Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sometimes He calms the storm, sometimes He calms His child.

We are doing a series at Church called Miracles. One of the tag lines is Sometimes He calms the storm and sometimes He calms His child. There has already been a storm since re-opening our adoption. Details aren't necessary because it takes away from God's power to calm any situation. In times past I would have broken under crushing news that meant things weren't going my way. Not this time. We received said crushing news on Thursday and we were both disappointed. I text a friend of mine to let her know I needed her to pray but my spirit felt crushed. For a brief moment my hope wavered. I asked myself, "God did we miss it?" "I know you said now is the time, what is going on?" I didn't know what to think, how to feel or what would be the next step. It didn't help that our adoption consultant seemed less than interested in our plight. But GOD. Its the only thing I needed to be reminded this journey wasn't about us. It was about HIM. His plan was the only plan that mattered. His will was the only one I wanted to be in. He birthed this dream in our heart because its part of His dream for humanity. That we wouldn't forget the orphans, the widows or the less fortunate. Hope is alive and His name is Jesus.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Too Big for God? I Think NOT!

One of the reasons for putting the adoption on hold was debt. Too much debt. Like many people we had gotten sucked into keeping up with the Jones' and whoever else we were competing with. Also, b/c of all the debt we had incurred I'd had to go back to work almost full time. This was not the situation we wanted to bring another child into, especially not one we had rescued. We felt a little defeated and we weren't sure how to fix the problem we had created. God, however already had the answer before we asked the question. Back in December '07 after our friend Betsy shared a video about a couple who, after completing Financial Peace University, adopted a child we were inspired to check into the program. We completed the class in May '08, moved to North Carolina in June and have been waging war with our debt ever since. The main thing was to sell the house in Florida which took a year but did happen. As of December my car was paid off and just today we paid the last of the 3 credit cards. We still have Brian's car to pay off but we have reached our goal which was to pay off the credit cards and for me to be a stay at home mom again. I am not only at home again but also homeschooling our three boys. Although, a daily challenge we know this is God's path for us.
We have never stopped praying and believing for Grace to come home and we feel closer than ever. We are submitting new paperwork this week and will be back in the system which means we can seek out starting our home study. We know we still have a long way to go but we are confident this is God's plan for our family.
We would appreciate all your prayers, any ideas you might have for fund raising, links to any other blogs you may know about regarding adoption and just general encouragement. Thanks guys!!

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me."

Its been almost a year since we blogged anything at all let alone anything adoption related. Nothing in our hearts has changed regarding bringing our daughter home, we just were doing a bit of cleaning up in preparation. Now that the clean up is just about complete we feel the time is now to move full steam ahead. So, Monday we contacted our agency and are in the process of re-opening our file. Here's what that entails: because its been over 2 years we have to fill out a new application and send in new photos. Then we will have to sign a new adoption agreement. Thankfully, the monies we have already paid are still good except the adoption agreement went up to $900 so we will have to send $200 and we are up to speed. The next step will be the home study. (See side bar for full list of steps) Once the home study is complete we will be eligible to apply for grants and also search the waiting children page on our agency's site. Brian and I are prayerfully considering the possibility of an older child/child with special needs.
Please join us and pray specifically for the following: finances to be in place when needed, the right child, the right time, and fund raising ideas.
We know the time is now but we can't do it without your prayers.