There is no better time of the year than Christmas. I have always loved it and with a little one in the house again, am looking forward to creating some magic with her. Don't get me wrong, I have just as good a time with my boys but now they are older its not quite as magical.
Since we have no extended family to share in the festivities with we are beginning to create our own traditions and I am very excited about this. A few that we have already are Christmas Eve brunch with the Teagues, Christmas Eve night with the Daigles and then once home we settle in to watch Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol starring Alastair Sims. This tradition has been handed down from my mom. This was her favorite movie at Christmas and its what we watched every year for as far back as I can remember.
The kids wake up to their stockings left by their doors and I plan to continue that until they have kids.
This year I also tried my hand at some baking. I'm not a natural in the kitchen (and don't really care to be) but made several dozen cookies, some muddy buddies (those are amazing), southern pecan pie squares (a total hit), and cinnamon sugar pecans and almonds (also amazing). I am pretty sure most of those will make a return next year and maybe I'll add to it. On top of that the Christmas lunch was beyond good! We dispensed with turkey a couple of years back and only make a ham now. No complaints from anyone. Add to that, sweet potato pie, mashed taters, green bean casserole (a must), rolls, and gravy and we were rolling from the table to the couch. Sooo, good. Of course everyone retreated to either couch (up or down) to slip into a coma while watching mind numbing TV or playing video games. I, on the other hand coaxed a not-so-willing-but-went-anyway hubby to join me on a walk. It was just the ticket and I returned feeling much more human.
Having 3 older kids I knew the present thing wouldn't be as early as normal but had no idea it would end up being the 2 year old who would keep us waiting. JG didn't wake up until 10:30. Yes, you read that right. And actually when I went in there to make sure she was still breathing...she was still asleep. How crazy is that?!
We read from Luke 2, put on A Charlie Brown Christmas and handed our sweet girl her first present. I don't think she had any idea what was going on but obliged in opening her first present while we all sat and watched in wonder.
She loves her bunny! |
Jenn and Lee (pictured below) making brunch. |
Me and "THE" Kerri. We go back 13 years. We've been through it all. |
Me and my brother making faces. |
Singing together. |
Lets go shopping. |
Jared couldn't make it through the Christmas Carol. |
Grandma sent JG this very cute dress up dress. |
We all had a wonderful day and I am ever thankful for each and every moment I get to spend with my family. They are such a gift and I don't (hopefully) take them for granted.