Last Tuesday at about this time I was enjoying a quiet day with my family while we celebrated the 40th anniversary of my birth.
I started the day with alone time with the Lord, then enjoyed a 2 and a half mile walk/jog with my two younger boys, indulged in home made pancakes (thanks babe), coffee, a game of basketball, and was back in bed for a nap by noon. It was divine.
That evening found me beyond surprised when I walked into one of the rooms at church and it was filled with all those nearest and dearest to me. All my family live out of state but these people have become my family! It wasn't a surprise party, I knew it was coming but I had no idea how amazing the room would look. My hubby went to lots of trouble decorating it with a Chinese theme and my sweet friend Sandy had a cake made with Happy Birthday in Chinese.
We spent several hours talking, laughing, eating and of course there was singing and lots of present opening. I was blessed by every one of the gifts and the $ will be nice and helpful in China. I was and still am more thankful than I can possibly convey.
I have to note just a couple of the gifts I received because they were so appreciated. A set of Bose noise canceling headphones. I am thinking a must for a 14 hour flight, at least on the way there. I might be busier on the way back with a very adorable 20 month old.
A neck pillow. But wait, this is not your standard neck pillow. This thing goes all the way around up the back of your head and up both sides of your face so you won't fall side to side and even if you do slightly you are well cushioned. And finally, a beautiful silver necklace with a heart on it that says many hearts, one beat. I took the image from their
website. It signifies all the people who help make adoption possible. I just love it and haven't taken it off since I received it.
Below are just a few of the pics from a very amazing night. Note: they are in random order, I don't have the time or energy to fix them. ;0) I wish I had a picture of every one of my friends who came that night but sadly I don't. I was/am truly thankful for everyone who celebrated with me. I feel blessed beyond measure.
PRESENTS!!!! My friend, Kerri made the sign. Dove Chocs are my fave and there were 42. Now there are 40. :0) |
I love this man more than I know how to express. |
On every table were pics of me from my childhood and coasters with Chinese symbols. |
See the dragon hanging above everyone's head? |
There were also Chinese lanterns hanging all over the room. I didn't get a pic but there were Chinese table runners also. |
A wad of cash! Happy girl! |
Its almost impossible to get a serious pic with my boys so I posted a silly one instead. I guess Brian and Jayden didn't get the memo. HAHA. |
Even Jenna Grace got a gift. |
Jared and his gf, but I am sure she will kill me for putting this up. They're adorable though. |
Aubrey was the faithful photographer so this is the only good one of her. |
My sweet Sandy, like a mom to me. |
My oldest kid, donning my hat. The thing wouldn't stay on my head. |
And the beautiful cake. It was also ridiculously good. Oh look, you can kind of see the table runner.
In the end it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be. In fact, I have since taken on a whole new attitude. I intend to stop running from this aging thing. I can't stop it or control it so why fight it. My friend over at Unexpected Paths wrote about her "annoying friends" the other day and I laughed out loud. At first I wasn't sure where she was going with her post but quickly caught on and realized she was talking about grey hair. I commented that my "annoying friends" are not grey but something else. I didn't say what but I am sure she, and anyone else can figure out what that is. Anyway, they are yet another thing I have no control over so embrace them I must. If I don't, I'll make myself crazy and take anyone with me I can and its just not worth it.
So, here's to 40 years young and 40 more!!
What sweet friends! It looks like you had such a lovely time. And, you must have an amazing husband to help pull this kind of stuff off. How wonderful! And you look quite lovely!
That looks like an amazing party filled with lots of great friends, family and tons of love for you. So glad you celebrated in style! :)
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