Halloween this year was spent at our churchs' trunk or treat since I got suckered into decorating a car. If you know me, then you know that is not my area of expertise. Nevertheless I sucked it up and not only decorated but also made up a game for the kids to play for candy. Brian and I bought the best candy so I had to spend the whole night smelling this amazing chocolate and sugar mix. It was intoxicating but I held out and didn't give in and have even one piece. In just 28 short days Paleo has held true to it's word that when you cheat you feel horrible so it's not worth giving in. That doesn't mean though that it's getting easier because it isn't. In fact I'm quite sure I had migraine last night simply from inhaling. Well not quite but it sounds good doesn't it?
The boys had a blast being Napoleon and Pedro and Jayden even won the middle school costume contest. (Jackson won for Napoleon at a party last week) See below how funny they looked.
After beating the candy monster that is Halloween I am convinced Thanksgiving and Christmas will be a breeze.

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