My friend Shirley, over at Thinking Out Loud inspired me to write this:
Joshua 24
The people were being challenged by Joshua to choose, if serving THE God wasn't something they desired then they should choose a god. Maybe one their forefathers worshiped or the gods of the land they were currently living and then Joshua declared "But me and my family, we will serve THE GOD!!" How often do children ride on their parents' faith? I've done it and seen it. The parents responsibility is to live their relationship with Jesus out loud all the while encouraging their children to seek Him for themselves. The younger you can encourage this the better. My children cannot have a relationship with God through me just like I can't have a relationship with God through my pastor or b/c I go to church every week. Authentic relationship with the Father requires digging into His word and seeking His truth for your life. James 1:5 says If any of you is deficient in wisdom, let him ask of the giving God [Who gives] to everyone liberally and ungrudgingly, without reproaching or faultfinding, and it will be given him.
He will give it, but will you take it?
It requires submitting when He convicts your spirit. You can't say you want God's truth in your life yet refuse to submit. Or think that can't be for me. I've had countless conversations with Him when He has convicted me. Why do I have to give up this or that? Why? Because it hinders you being closer to me. It hinders you being all that you can be spiritually. It leads to more temptation which, when given in to leads to more guilt and shame. You risk becoming de-sensitized to all the things the world says are OK. I want to be all I can for Christ. I want to be what John 15 talks about with the Vine and the branches. I want Jesus to remain in me. I am convinced I can do nothing apart from Him so if that means cutting things off that distract or take away from all I can be then let the pruning begin even if that means I'm a little uncomfortable and a little different according to what the world (even the Christian world) says. As Craig Groeschel often says "I'd rather be considered weird b/c normal is what everyone else is doing and I don't want to look like everyone else."
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Ummmmm, OK?!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
21 Things for A21
The A21 Campaign is a website I've followed for about a year. They are committed to abolishing injustice in the 21st century.
We all need to be aware of the staggering statistics of human trafficking going on in our world.
Here are just a few:
Trafficking in women is the second largest global organized crime today, generating approximately US$12 billion a year.
There are 1.39 million victims of commercial sexual servitude worldwide.
Over 25 percent of sex trafficked victims are trafficked from Southern and Eastern Europe.
90% of victims trafficked into EU member states end up in the sex industry.
There is an estimated 20,000 women and girls trafficked into the Greek sex industry, earning Greece the title: "the center of trafficking in Europe."
One study reveals that one in every 10 Ukrainian persons knows someone in their community who has been trafficked.
Tragically, only 1-2 percent of victims are rescued, and only 1 in 100,000 Europeans involved in trafficking are convicted.
(stats taken from a21 website)
Please go to this site and click on 21 Ways to help and do something.
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We all need to be aware of the staggering statistics of human trafficking going on in our world.
Here are just a few:
Trafficking in women is the second largest global organized crime today, generating approximately US$12 billion a year.
There are 1.39 million victims of commercial sexual servitude worldwide.
Over 25 percent of sex trafficked victims are trafficked from Southern and Eastern Europe.
90% of victims trafficked into EU member states end up in the sex industry.
There is an estimated 20,000 women and girls trafficked into the Greek sex industry, earning Greece the title: "the center of trafficking in Europe."
One study reveals that one in every 10 Ukrainian persons knows someone in their community who has been trafficked.
Tragically, only 1-2 percent of victims are rescued, and only 1 in 100,000 Europeans involved in trafficking are convicted.
(stats taken from a21 website)
Please go to this site and click on 21 Ways to help and do something.
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Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Husband of the year award goes to...
Brian is not only the man of my dreams but as selfless as they come. Yesterday we packed up and he took me to Raleigh for the night.
After checking in to the hotel he took me to my fave restaurant PF Changs and after to the Apple store so he could get his drool on.
This morning after check out we went from car lot to car lot looking at mustangs (one of Brian's fave cars.
We soon found ourselves downtown bc Brian had found a tea/gift shop he wanted to take me to. The gift shop wasn't impressive at all but Brian selflessly agreed to share afternoon tea with me even though he was the only guy. It was English to a tee, no pun intended and after finishing his tea and scone with Devonshire cream he commented how much he liked it. I am incredibly blessed to be married to this man and pray I don't ever take him for granted.

Pure deliciousness!!

His comment here was, "I feel gay".

Tea for 2.

Scone with jam and cream.

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After checking in to the hotel he took me to my fave restaurant PF Changs and after to the Apple store so he could get his drool on.
This morning after check out we went from car lot to car lot looking at mustangs (one of Brian's fave cars.
We soon found ourselves downtown bc Brian had found a tea/gift shop he wanted to take me to. The gift shop wasn't impressive at all but Brian selflessly agreed to share afternoon tea with me even though he was the only guy. It was English to a tee, no pun intended and after finishing his tea and scone with Devonshire cream he commented how much he liked it. I am incredibly blessed to be married to this man and pray I don't ever take him for granted.
Pure deliciousness!!
His comment here was, "I feel gay".
Tea for 2.
Scone with jam and cream.
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Monday, September 13, 2010
Bleeding Purple and Gold

We were blessed with great seats on the 50 yard line and thankfully surrounded by fellow fans with clean mouths, if you get my drift.
ECU played Memphis and in the first half of the first quarter ECU scored 2 touchdowns. I thought it was funny too because in my opinion they were off to an awesome start and fans were loving them, however fast forward 2 minutes and those same fans quickly turned against them because someone fumbled the ball. It's so funny to me that this win or loss will make or break their day. I guess the truth of it is, we all have things that ultimately can control how we are or aren't. It's so funny to me that this win or loss will make or break their day. I guess the truth of it is, we all have things that ultimately can control how we are or aren't.
Well, ECU won BIG Saturday so I'm sure the partying went on into the night in celebration.
I've never been into sports much but I have to say I love watching people at events like these. People dress up with painted faces, wigs, wearing all the colors in support. A guy in front of us had a purple shirt, purple and gold shorts, a purple visor and then one purple and one gold converse. You could say he was into it. I don't own anything purple so I borrowed something from Jared's girlfriend. I didn't wanna feel out of place.
It was a lot of fun and I hope we get an opportunity to go again or at least for my boys to experience that too!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
These kids of mine like to climb trees before art class at our local university. Here's the difference between them: jayden will climb all the way to the top if possible whereas Jackson stays close to the ground. Jayden is fearless in this area, Jackson is not. I often wonder why? Is this something they each inherited between mine and Brian's DNA? I know the older I get the more afraid I become. I guess it's bc you finally realize you aren't going to live forever so therefore you take less chances. I know for a long time I would look at others who would be fearless in mountain climbing, sky diving and the like and scold myself bc I wasn't brave enough to take those kinds of risks. But then I realized I'm fearless in other ways. I have the ability to go up to a complete stranger and talk to them and make them feel comfortable. I have no problem at all reaching out to someone who is hurting. I will open up my home to anyone at any time for any reason with no notice and feed them or just be there for them. I know for a fact these few things I've mentioned might terrify other people. See, God gives us all different abilities and different ways we are fearless. I'm choosing to embrace the ways God has given me and not be concerned I don't want to jump out of a plane.

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Sunday, September 05, 2010
Top 10 Greatest ways to keep your marriage amazing!!
While blog surfing I came across the greatest top 10 list every wife/hubby and wife/hubby to be needs to read. Take it away Judi Free...
Every Day Wonderful
Every Day Wonderful
Friday, September 03, 2010
Productivity-it's always a good thing
Today has been one of those days that turned out the opposite of what I expected.
Just last night I was screaming inside that there was so much left to do and not enough time to get it all done. Add a 20 Somethings trip to the beach tomorrow and I was literally about to shoot myself.
As I sit here tonight all feels right with the world. Here's what got done in just 12 short hours.
~meal planning done for 2 weeks
~grocery shopping done for 2 weeks
~house cleaned from top to bottom
~school room organized ready for our official back to school on Tuesday
~laundry done for at least one day ;0)
~final curriculums decided upon
~date with my 17 year old
I can't tell you how good it feels to get all that done.
The beach is calling my name and I'm ready to answer that call!!!
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Just last night I was screaming inside that there was so much left to do and not enough time to get it all done. Add a 20 Somethings trip to the beach tomorrow and I was literally about to shoot myself.
As I sit here tonight all feels right with the world. Here's what got done in just 12 short hours.
~meal planning done for 2 weeks
~grocery shopping done for 2 weeks
~house cleaned from top to bottom
~school room organized ready for our official back to school on Tuesday
~laundry done for at least one day ;0)
~final curriculums decided upon
~date with my 17 year old
I can't tell you how good it feels to get all that done.
The beach is calling my name and I'm ready to answer that call!!!
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Thursday, September 02, 2010
Nothing is Impossible for YOU!
You heal the broken hearted!
You bring freedom to the captive!
You set hearts on fire!
You are the father to the fatherless!
You give sight to the blind!
You soften the hardest heart!
You are forever wooing us to you!
You equip those you call!
You love us when we are unlovable!
You bring the prodigal home!
You pour grace and mercy over us!
You forgive us!
You give us eternal life!
Jesus you are my all in all, I will worship you all my days. In my pain and confusion be ever near and don't let go!
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You bring freedom to the captive!
You set hearts on fire!
You are the father to the fatherless!
You give sight to the blind!
You soften the hardest heart!
You are forever wooing us to you!
You equip those you call!
You love us when we are unlovable!
You bring the prodigal home!
You pour grace and mercy over us!
You forgive us!
You give us eternal life!
Jesus you are my all in all, I will worship you all my days. In my pain and confusion be ever near and don't let go!
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Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Finishing so I can get started.
Have you ever felt like this? You can't get started because you haven't finished preparing? This is how the last few weeks have felt for me.
This is only our second year homeschooling and I haven't started well at all because I can't seem to finish anything. First of all I don't even have all of their curriculums purchased, but worse I can't decide which one to use. Second, I can't seem to write down lesson plans for even one week. No matter how many times I clean up the school room it continues to look like someone threw up in there. Add drum lessons, piano lessons, art class, being jareds taxi back and forth for work and I have to write the schedule for church nursery, plus all the other "mom" stuff, I just feel like I can't do it all. Maybe screaming would help... But instead I'm gonna take a step back take a deep breath and finish so that after Labor Day I can start.
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This is only our second year homeschooling and I haven't started well at all because I can't seem to finish anything. First of all I don't even have all of their curriculums purchased, but worse I can't decide which one to use. Second, I can't seem to write down lesson plans for even one week. No matter how many times I clean up the school room it continues to look like someone threw up in there. Add drum lessons, piano lessons, art class, being jareds taxi back and forth for work and I have to write the schedule for church nursery, plus all the other "mom" stuff, I just feel like I can't do it all. Maybe screaming would help... But instead I'm gonna take a step back take a deep breath and finish so that after Labor Day I can start.
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