No excuses. Well, except life. So, here we are, summer is over and the kids are back in school. Here's the latest in the life of maciaszek. First off, we had the greatest summer. I quit my full time job and went back to Starbucks part time in order to be there for the kids all summer. We spent most of it at the beach or someone's pool. Skateboarding and playing outside with the 5,0o00 other boys who live on our street and of course now we have a house with a backyard, grilling out. Yeah baby. There is nothing like dinner on the grill. We also spent time with friends from back home who decided to visit the new place. The Beckley's, The Pybas', The Daigle's and The Leeuwner's. Did I forget anyone? Sorry if I did.
So for the update. Jared's a freshman!!! Are you kidding me? I really thought God was not going to back out of the deal. Which was...we get raptured, I don't have to deal with highschool. Not sure which part was supposed to benefit God but never the less it has happened. He also turned 14 the week prior to school starting which was very emotional for me. He is attending a school in our neighborhood that is brand new this year which means NO SENIORS!!!! He is loving it. He is already part of the cross country team and then will play baseball in the fall. Jackson is in 4th grade now and Jayden is in 3rd grade. They also attend a brand new school in our neighborhood. They both have awesome teachers. Jayden is playing winter ball (that's a joke, winter in Florida) and Jack will start basketball in January. Brian is still selling food and recently won a trip to Atlanta to see the Braves play. No wives however, so it wasn't as good as it could have been. ;) I am now working part time at Starbucks, nannying 2 and a half days a week and cleaning an office. Yes, I am aware I am nuts. We are still very involved at our church and will start yet another home team in September. Hopefully it will be a way to connect more with our neighbors here where we live since we moved 30 minutes north of church. Are you bored yet?
Since we moved into a brand new house everything was white. I'm not talking pretty nice white either, this white is nasty and can't even keep clean white. So, that had to be taken care of and fast. Everyone knows paint is the cheapest way to spruce things up so away I went. I picked colors and we did half the kitchen, half bath, living room, up the stairs and part of the loft. Anyone who knows me knows I HATE TO PAINT!!!!! But I gotta tell ya once I got into it and started seeing the results, I was hooked. I can't wait to finish the rest of the house. I have to admit though we were so beat when we finished (we did all of that in 1 week) we have yet to touch up and as I look around I know it will take just as long to do that.
Now for the info that has been on everyone's mind. J/K. The adoption papers are being filed this week and to tell you the truth, I am terrified. They have been filled out for over 6 months but for some reason I have not been able to send them in. I know this is something we are called to do and I know this is something we want desperately but still the unknown is scary. We need your prayers to take this step and put our faith out there for something we can't see. Thanks.
Well, I think that about covers it for now. Know you are all welcome here anytime. I will try not to leave it so long in the future.
P.S. Will have more pics and hopefully another house tour. Love to you all!