Tuesday, December 18, 2007
End of the Year post
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Not Alone
Saturday, November 24, 2007
National Adoption Month
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Major Success
Oh and by the way, since this was just the first of many garage sales to raise money please remember us when you are getting rid of anything, we will be happy to come and get it. Remember, one man's trash is another man's treasure. :-)
Friday, November 16, 2007
Milestone 2
Saturday, November 10, 2007
October/November Fun in Pics
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Will the mystery guest please sign in...
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Not Wavering
More donations came in and Brian and I tried to sync our calendars to have our first fund raiser but between all the baseball games, cross country meets, church responsibilities and work it seemed like we never going to get started. Finally, a date worked for both and so we are happy to say Saturday November 10th we will be having our first fund raiser. YAY! Don't know where or what time yet but we'll let you know.
So, one of the main reasons for this blog was to help us somehow network with other families also on this journey and to tell you the truth this was my main concern. I know we have people who are supporting us and are praying us through etc. but there is something about being on the same road as someone else and having that connection no one else quite gets. So, here's the exciting part...one of my Starbucks regulars Kelli, and her husband Dean are on this journey also. They already got their LID (log in date, meaning their dossier has been accepted by the Chinese gov and they are on the list for their referral) so they are about 6 months ahead of us but that doesn't matter. Kelli and I have spoken a couple of times and it's so refreshing to hear of someone else's journey and to know we can walk the road together. Thank you God.
Ok, back to waiting. Saturday it came and I was thrilled. It's huge, so much paperwork. We only have 60 days to get it back to our agency and still haven't raised the rest of the 700 we need to sign the agreement. Not only that but since I allowed my permanent residency card (green card, which by the way is pink) to expire I just had to spend 370 dollars to apply for a new one. I was so angry with myself. But as Brian constantly says...IT IS WHAT IT IS!!!!! I talked to our agency and they said it wouldn't hold us up at all.
What does this have to do with the title? I'm not going to lie, I was wavering. Yes, already. I was upset with myself I had to spend money we didn't have and wondering if I was making all this up in my head. Last night during my quiet time the Lord led me to this scripture
Romans 4:20-21 ~ Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised. I am not going to waver, His promises are true and His desire has become our desire to bring our little girl home. I was reminded of this again in our devotion with the kids this morning. It spoke of a tightrope walker and asked the question why didn't he fall when everyone was screaming and applauding for him? The answer- because he was focused and therefore able to keep his balance. It's the same for us or anyone on any kind of journey. Our focus has to be on God and what His promises have already told us not on the circumstances of money or time.
Jeremiah 29:12-14 ~Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you," declares the LORD, "and will bring you back from captivity.
I know I say this a lot but thanks for being on this journey with us. Blessings.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
And Baby Makes Three.

I have just heard/read the news, my precious friend Shannon and her husband Adam have finally been given the go ahead to go and pick up their baby girl, Analise Jade from Guatemala. I have known Shannon for 7 years and I can't think of anyone who deserves this more than her. It's been such a joy and inspiration to watch this whole process unfold and my heart is jumping for joy for them. We love you Shannon and can't wait to meet baby Analise.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
One Word...APPROVED!!!
~ Our agency will send us our adoption agreement which among other things states we will not use any other agency but them. It's also the first set of pages of our dossier.
~ $700.00 and our signatures seals the adoption agreement deal and allows us to proceed with a local social worker and begin our home study.
~ From what I understand our home study will cost anywhere from $1200.00-$1600.00 and will take approximately 90 days.
During this time I am sure there are mounds of paperwork to collect, fill out and send in.
So, what now??? Well, in just over a week you have sent in $350.00 and we are so thankful. Now we have been officially approved the fund raising can and will begin. Any ideas? The standard car wash and garage sale are a given but I am open to any suggestions. Please help us out.
Alright, guys here we go...we are so excited you are on this journey with us. We can feel your prayers and can't thank you enough. Keep checking in...
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
One Week and Counting
Thursday Jayden and I had to get our eyes checked and that was a totally new experience for me. They put a local anesthetic in my eyes in order to do this certain test and then proceeded to dilate them. Let me tell you, I have a whole new appreciation for my sight. I felt blind for what seemed like hours. And whats worse
is my sunglasses weren't enough so they shoved these black film looking things between them and my eyes. Yeah and stupid me thought well how bright can the sun be. I shouldn't have checked. It made things much worse. It seemed unfair b/c Jayden's went back to normal after only an hour. Needless to say I am thankful to see as well as I do. Later that evening we met a friend of mine who's an amateur photographer to take some pics since we are long overdue for a family photo. We got a couple good shots but I'll save those for another time.
Friday was really fun. Jayden was picked for one of the authors of the month so we went to hear him read his story to his peers. His story was about One Wish he had and his was how he died and got to go and meet God. He talked about how God looked really responsible and intelligent and how he worshipped at his feet. About how he read the bible to God and how amazing He was. Then it talked about how we were sad b/c he had died and him and God were looking at us. WOW! It finally ended with him saying he hadn't really died but he did wish he could go and see God. I have to say I was pretty impressed he'd been chosen considering its a public school.
So, that same day my son invited me to have lunch with him. My 14 year old. Can you believe that? And he didn't invite me to pick him up and take him to lunch, he invited me to actually come to his school and eat with him in the cafeteria with all his friends. I, of course did not say no. I felt so cool. His friends were so nice although I tried not to talk too much just in case I embarrassed him. We talked mainly about what they were all involved in, the different cliques and of course the upcoming Homecoming Dance which Jared informed me he wants to attend. Since I didn't attend school in the US of A I am really not sure what this is about so they all explained.
The weekend was packed with cleaning, homework, baseball games, church and youth. Not to mention a beach party and baptism and a Bucs games for Brian. All in all a fun filled week and weekend. How was yours?
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
A Little Rusty

A massive THANK YOU to my precious friend Betsy Leeuwner for re-designing our template. I cannot thank you enough for all you did. Just like our first time around with this blogger thing huh?
Quick donation update (which you can also see in the sidebar) we have had 2 more come in. Thank you thank you thank you!! God is faithful.
Monday, October 08, 2007
Officially Official (Long Post)
I get have a devotional sent to my email everyday and today's was entitled Discipline or Regret?
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.
— Hebrews 12:1-3
In the 1968 Olympics within the stadium in Mexico City, the stands had gone dark after an extremely busy day of some of the finest track and field events in the history of the Olympics. All that remained inside the stadium were a few judges, the clean-up crew and a handful of reporters who were filing their reports. All of a sudden out of nowhere, a runner in his country’s track uniform half hobbled and half ran into that great stadium. He was a marathon runner who was literally hours behind the official last place finisher. He ran around the track and crossed the finish line. One of the reporters ran down to the field to ask this runner why he bothered to finish the race since he was obviously hurting and no one would even count him as a finisher. The injured runner looked up at the reporter and said, “My country did not send me over 5,000 miles to start the race but rather to finish it.”
This man persevered, endured the pain and finished the race. What a hero! What do you need to do today to sustain your life, your faith, family, or health over the long haul? Is there something in which you need to wholeheartedly persevere to finish the race of life well?
Remember this great piece of advice offered to me by my good friend Bill Hall, “When the pain of remaining the same is greater than the pain of changing, you will change.” The way I figure it is that in life, we either choose the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. Choose today the pain of discipline.
This was really interesting to me b/c I know it will take major discipline to get through this adoption. And the part about when the pain of remaining the same is greater than the pain of changing... For some months now I have been asking God what is it you want me to do with my life, what is my purpose? What is OUR purpose? I know I'm a mom and a wife and I'm striving to be the best I can be but I knew there was something more. I had a sense of dissatisfaction. Little by little He's been showing me and Brian and guiding us. This adoption is just the beginning. There is so much more to come that has been birthed b/c of our passion to adopt a child in China. I thank God He is opening our eyes to it and as things progress will be sharing with you what else God has placed in our hearts.
Be blessed and please check back often.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Blessed beyond measure, already
For Shannon
I know unless you have gone through or are going through this, you can't possibly imagine what an undertaking it is just to get the application in the mail. This is going to change our entire lives for the better. I can't tell you the peace we have in doing this.
Oh, side note: I know you are a bunch of smart people and I am counting on you all! Any fund raising ideas you have please send our way. We are looking for lots of innovative ideas. We've got several to start with but need lots more so I'm looking for those comments. Thanks!
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
So, how about this?
Be the first?
Yeah, maybe you can be the first to give $1 and for that I will post your picture and short story of what a great philanthropist you are?
Or not?
Either way somebody be the first!
Lets get it started!
Monday, October 01, 2007
Finally getting started
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
It's been way too long...

No excuses. Well, except life. So, here we are, summer is over and the kids are back in school. Here's the latest in the life of maciaszek. First off, we had the greatest summer. I quit my full time job and went back to Starbucks part time in order to be there for the kids all summer. We spent most of it at the beach or someone's pool. Skateboarding and playing outside with the 5,0o00 other boys who live on our street and of course now we have a house with a backyard, grilling out. Yeah baby. There is nothing like dinner on the grill. We also spent time with friends from back home who decided to visit the new place. The Beckley's, The Pybas', The Daigle's and The Leeuwner's. Did I forget anyone? Sorry if I did.
So for the update. Jared's a freshman!!! Are you kidding me? I really thought God was not going to back out of the deal. Which was...we get raptured, I don't have to deal with highschool. Not sure which part was supposed to benefit God but never the less it has happened. He also turned 14 the week prior to school starting which was very emotional for me. He is attending a school in our neighborhood that is brand new this year which means NO SENIORS!!!! He is loving it. He is already part of the cross country team and then will play baseball in the fall. Jackson is in 4th grade now and Jayden is in 3rd grade. They also attend a brand new school in our neighborhood. They both have awesome teachers. Jayden is playing winter ball (that's a joke, winter in Florida) and Jack will start basketball in January. Brian is still selling food and recently won a trip to Atlanta to see the Braves play. No wives however, so it wasn't as good as it could have been. ;) I am now working part time at Starbucks, nannying 2 and a half days a week and cleaning an office. Yes, I am aware I am nuts. We are still very involved at our church and will start yet another home team in September. Hopefully it will be a way to connect more with our neighbors here where we live since we moved 30 minutes north of church. Are you bored yet?
Since we moved into a brand new house everything was white. I'm not talking pretty nice white either, this white is nasty and can't even keep clean white. So, that had to be taken care of and fast. Everyone knows paint is the cheapest way to spruce things up so away I went. I picked colors and we did half the kitchen, half bath, living room, up the stairs and part of the loft. Anyone who knows me knows I HATE TO PAINT!!!!! But I gotta tell ya once I got into it and started seeing the results, I was hooked. I can't wait to finish the rest of the house. I have to admit though we were so beat when we finished (we did all of that in 1 week) we have yet to touch up and as I look around I know it will take just as long to do that.
Now for the info that has been on everyone's mind. J/K. The adoption papers are being filed this week and to tell you the truth, I am terrified. They have been filled out for over 6 months but for some reason I have not been able to send them in. I know this is something we are called to do and I know this is something we want desperately but still the unknown is scary. We need your prayers to take this step and put our faith out there for something we can't see. Thanks.
Well, I think that about covers it for now. Know you are all welcome here anytime. I will try not to leave it so long in the future.
P.S. Will have more pics and hopefully another house tour. Love to you all!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007
The Way I Remember Her...
Her smile- it always made her whole face light up.
Her laugh- it was infectious and you couldn't keep but laughing with her when you heard it.
Her love for God- it was overwhelming to me how much she loved her God.
Her insatiable appetite for His word- I don't remember a day ever in my life when I didn't see my mother begin her day immersed in the Word.
Her voice- she sang with passion, she sang with victory, she sang beautifully and she sang for Him.
Her passion for leading people to Jesus- I have never in my life seen someone who chased souls for the Kingdom the way she did.
Her love for her husband- my parents had their problems just like we all do but she loved him without condition. When I recollect through the years all they went through I am blown away by her continued love for my dad. Thankfully, he too is a Christ Follower and since her death serves as a marriage counselor at their church and once again feels purpose.
Her love for her kids- my mother wasn't an affectionate person by nature nor was she very verbal about things. However, I knew my mother loved us girls. As I became an adult and was having babies of my own I knew it even more. She was a strong presence for me as I began raising my boys and one of the hardest things for me since her death is not having her to turn to.
Her un-ending faith and strength- though out her life she endured many hardships, the last of which was the cancer which took her life and I never saw her faith weaken. Now, I did see her lose some strength from time to time. Especially when the doctor gave bad report after bad report. But a few hours immersed in His word and she came back out of her corner fighting once again.
Her love of life and not material things- my mother always thought and lived eternally. She knew none of the things in this world mattered. I guess you could say she was kingdom minded.
I miss my mother so much sometimes I can't breathe but this one thing I know, I will see her again and I encourage all of you who still have a mom...treasure her always. Because there is always someone out there like me who would give anything for just 5 more minutes.
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Somebody's really love me!!!
P.S. BAD ME, they took all the pics.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
House Tour
Sunday, March 25, 2007
The First Visitors
I know it's once again been way too long since I've written anything on here but there isn't alot to say. Life keeps us so busy and moving just adds to it. We are finally all unpacked and we got it done just in time for some very important visitors. Our good friend Linda and her 5 and a half month old Hudson Cash were our first visitors in our new home. Dad is Pillar's front man so was unable to join b/c he was on the road but we did manage to attend a couple of shows. Anyway, we had a blast and I've already fallen in love with Hudson. He has to be the most adorable little boy ever. I am so sad not to be close by to watch him grow up and of course I miss Linda terribly already and look forward to many more visits. Here are a few photos I thought I would share from our few days together.